Mgr. Ľudmila Bennett, Ph.D.
Ľudmila Bennett is an executive member of the ISBS (International Society for Biosemiotic Studies) and an executive member of the ISI (International Semiotics Institute). She is editor-in-chief of the journal Linguistic Frontiers (De Gruyter Open), associate editor of the journal Biosemiotics (Springer) and associate editor of the book series Numanities: Arts and Humanities in Progress (Springer). Her current research involves cognitive- and biosemiotics in relation to digital communication technology, the iconic turn in communication, biosemiotic approach to AI and the cognitive study of writing systems.
H index:
- google scholar: 6
- web of science: 4
- total number of citations: 92
She is editor and co-author of several monographs:
- Lacková Ľudmila; Bidaud Samuel (2021): Stručný průvodce jazyky Evropy. Olomouc: Palacky Unviersity,
- Kull, Kalevi et al. (2020) “Gatherings in Biosemiotics XX” Edited by Ľudmila Lacková, Claudio Rodríguez, Kalevi Kull (Tartu Semiotics Library 20). Gatherings in Biosemiotics XX. Tartu University,
- Vaculíková Petra; Jurka Michal; Lacková Ľudmila; Postlová Vratislava; Zmetáková Juliana; Földešiová Denisa; Pospěchová Zuzana; Dytrtová Monika; Rysová Martina (2015): Thematic-axiomatic nexus from various perspectives in different languages. Olomouc: Palacky University.
Selection of most important scientific journal publications in last three years:
- Lacková, Ľudmila. (2022): Participative opposition applied. Sign Systems Studies 50 (2-3), pp. 261-285,
- Bennett, Tyler; Chávez, Israel; Kull, Kalevi; Lacková, Ludmila; Miyamoto, Oscar (2022): Funktionskreis and the biosemiotic signifieds. Sign Systems Studies 50 (2/3), pp. 433-452.
- Švorcová, Jana, Lacková, Ľudmila & Fulínová, Eliška (2023): Evolution by habit: Peirce, Lamarck, and teleology in biology. Theory in Biosciences 142, pp. 411–422.
- Lacková, Ľudmila (2023): In the fold of the manifold: a reflection on Bloomsbury Semiotics, Cognitive Semiotics 16 (1), pp. 69-89. 2023-2005.
- Lacková, Ľudmila (2023): Structural semiology, Peirce, and biolinguistics, Semiotica 2023 (253), pp. 1-21.
- Romanini, Vinicius and Lacková, Ľudmila (2023): Morphoesthetics in artificial intelligence: proteins versus machines, Semeiosis - transdisciplinary journal of semiotics 11(1):125-139 DOI: 10.53987/2178-5368-2023-12-08
- Bennett, Ľudmila (2024). A Biosemiotic Approach to AI. Folding as semiotic modeling. In Method, forthcoming.
Selected book chapters:
- Lacková Ľudmila (2019): Logic of Relatives as Syntax in the Genetic Code. In Bisanz, E.: Peirce Studies 10th Applied Interdisciplinary Peirce Studies. Peter Lang: Texas Tech University, pp. 189-204.,
- Lacková, Ľudmila (2019): Quelques Remarques sur l'Usage du Terme "l'Arbitraire du Signe". In Beziau, J.Y.: The Arbitrariness of the Sign in Question, College Publications, pp. 283-294.
- Lacková, Ľudmila and Krivochen, Diego (2024): Iconicity in Syntax. In Handbook on Iconicity in Language Edited by Olga Fischer, Kimi Akita and Pamela Perniss Contracted for publication by Oxford University Press (in print).
- Lacková, Ľudmila (2024): Crisis of Subject in the Mediated Communication. In Carlo Brentari (ed.): Epidemics and Pandemics: Philosophical Perspectives. Brepols publisher.
Upcoming monograph: Bennett, Ľudmila: Language of Life: A Peircean Approach to Living Organisms, Peirce Studies 12: Applied Interdisciplinary Peirce Studies, Peter Lang: Texas Tech University, to be published in 2024.
Peirce Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu, Estonia
Linguistics Department, University of Dijon, France
Department of Semiotics, Bologna University
College of Arts and Humanities, Central Washington University
Translation in the Creative Industries, Tampere University, Finland
Institute of Linguistics, Iceland University, Reykjavík, Iceland
University Scholars Programme, National University of Singapore
The Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
School of Communication and Arts, University of São Paulo, Brasil
Full academic profile can be found at, video lectures can be found at